Young People

Young People

We believe that young people deserve opportunities that will help them achieve positive outcomes as they evolve into adulthood and independent living.

Our services for young people are designed to equip them with skills that will help them through this stage of life when they have to make important decisions about their future and prepare for life as adults.

We understand the pressures and challenges that young people may face. Our support teams will work with them to ensure that they are ready for this often confusing and difficult stage of life. We will start off with basic skills such as cooking, washing dishes, general cleaning up to managing a tenancy. We will always listen and respect their choices and offer advice and guidance so that they make better and informed decisions about their lives.

young people supported services

We Help Young People With

  • Family and Relationship Issues
  • Drugs and Alcohol Issues
  • Mental Health Problems
  • Employment and Education
  • Budgeting and Finances
  • Health Related Issues
  • Accommodation and Housing

How It Works

We understand that asking for assistance for the young people or their loved ones might be a daunting task, be rest assured we are here for them every step of the way.

Once we receive their referral, we will carry out a full assessment of their needs so that we can determine the right level of support we can provide for them.

We will then agree on a support plan that works for them.  We will regularly review the outcomes to ensure that it is working for them.

We will appoint a support worker that will work with them to meet their targets and outcomes; the support workers will be available 24/7 to assist them.

Our service enhances their preparedness for an independent life. We have in place a system to keep in touch with the clients so that we can offer assistance if needed.

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    young people services